Praktische informatie

  • Location Talbot House garden
  • Date Sunday 25 August 2025
  • Timing 15h00
  • Price Included in a regular visit


Watership Brass started life in 1980 and was originally known as The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Band based in Basingstoke in the South of England. Around 1984 the band moved to Kingsclere, a town located within Watership Down, the name was changed to Watership Brass. Watership Brass Band, with a current membership of 28 volunteer musicians, meets in Newbury on a weekly basis to indulge in our love of music. Our members are drawn from all walks of life and with an age difference between our youngest and oldest members of over 50 years, we embrace the philosophy that 'music is for ALL'

Watership Brass' motto is 'Serving the Community Musically' and we achieve this by being available for local events. And that is why a visit to Talbot House fits in seamlessly with their reason for existence. Talbot House is therefore pleased to give this Brass Band an insight into the history and operation of the House. Afterwards they delight the other visitors and residents with their catchy music.

This concert is included in a regular visit to Talbot House.

Watership Brass
Watership Brass Band