The Chapel Fund

Preserving and restoring Tommy’s sanctuary in Flanders Fields

Thank you for joining the Talbotousians in our mission and our challenge: our beloved Chapel, the Upper Room, and its relics urgently need restoration. Therefore, we are launching the “Chapel Fund” to raise €125,000 to preserve this authentic sanctuary and its priceless relics. Your contribution will ensure Talbot House can continue to fulfil its mission to inspire future generations.

Do you want to find out more about The Chapel Fund?

Donate via our Go Fund Me page.

Support the house

Talbot House is not just a living museum, it is so much more than that.

It is a house of people, a historic place built around a single vision and run by a small team of permanent employees and a large community of enthusiastic volunteers. A driven team of like-minded people who work every day free of charge. All people with one common goal: to make this House a home.

Om deze visie waar te maken en te voorzien in de kosten voor de dagelijkse werking, het onderhoud en de voorzieningen, kan Talbot House als onafhankelijke vzw alle steun gebruiken.

Dankzij jouw bijdrage, al dan niet financieel, kunnen wij het Huis in de toekomst blijven openstellen voor bezoekers en kunnen de komende generaties blijven genieten van de rijke geschiedenis die Talbot House herbergt.

Become a Talbotousian

On the 100th anniversary of Talbot House, on December 11, 2015, a new membership association was founded: the Talbotousians.

'Talbotousians' is a collective name for people who are active as volunteers in the House, are involved in the ins and outs of our association or contribute to organizing activities. In short, people who have made Talbot House a second home.

The term 'Talbotousian' was coined during the First World War by Talbot House founder Philip 'Tubby' Clayton. Tubby gave this designation to everyone who donated his time and talent to the Every Man's Club.

And that is exactly what our Talbotousians still do today.

Our formulas

Talbot House is an independent non-profit organization run by a close-knit team of volunteers and permanent employees. Thanks to the commitment and financial support of the Talbotousians, our association can continue to exist. You can also become a member of the Talbot House community using one of these four formulas:


Talboutousian Friend
  • Free access to Talbot House for a year
  • Free access to all activities, events and exhibitions
  • Two free Talbotousian meetings
  • A periodic newsletter via email
  • A Talbot House Christmas card with the annual overview

25 EUR

(Family membership = 40 EUR)


Talboutousian compagnon
  • All the benefits of bronze
  • A voucher for a Talbot House English Breakfast for 1 or 2 people

50 EUR

(Family membership = 70 EUR)


Talboutousian Member
  • All the benefits of bronze
  • An overnight stay in the guesthouse for 1 or 2 people with free breakfast

130 EUR

(Family membership = 150 EUR)


Talboutousian Member
  • A lifetime membership with all the benefits of bronze.

1250 EUR

(Family membership = 1500 EUR)

Corporate Membership

  • These companies have a significant ongoing commitment in supporting Talbot House. A minimum donation of €1,000 is offered to the Talbot House Association annually and can optionally be linked to specific renovation or restoration projects.

More information

How do we spend the membership fee?

Your annual contribution as a Talbotousian ensures that we can take care of the following:

  • the maintenance and renovation of Talbot House as a cultural heritage site
  • the operation of the museum and the expansion of the museum collection
  • organizing events and temporary exhibitions

How do you become a Talbotousian?

That is simple. Transfer the membership fee, state your name and the type of membership in the message (e.g.: John Doe - Talbotousian Platinum) and email us your address details via to receive your membership card.

EU bank details
IBAN: BE72 2850 3316 3016
Swift code: BIC GEBABEBB
Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis

UK bank details
Sort Code: 55-61-31
Rekeningnummer: 70515948
Bank: NAT West

Gift via Paypal